Money security, Neighbourhoods, Privacy and Accounts Books

Money security, Neighbourhoods, Privacy and Accounts Books

They do love to run around that curse cycle that only takes effect when I thought about a history of academic short comings, that allowed them to make good of some detachment between my personality and qualifications deficit and encouraged the unusual interest in my person whilst their parents looked as if I owed their narcissistic stupidities a debt of affection and each time I did my entire life went down the drain and they looked like they had built a society. The problem we now faced being the physical contact that they have worked with their famous idiots to establish with me, the abusive gimmicks and the fooling around with my career which was working alongside Politicians making up reasons and expecting an exit from me once they hurt themselves with the lies to carry through these activities, causing enough distraction for my career to be affected, when it did not suggest I was in league with criminals, racists and extremists, like a bunch of idiots who never stopped handling others save they were met with physical violence themselves.

They do complain that every where they went on this planet, each time they made a mess and attributed it to me, I was somehow in such places, looking for more of what their evil civil disobedience stupidities that had failed in its spiritual wickedness in everyway that I could convince, was complaining about; so it was only the part where I decided I had seen and had enough, wanted it to be a matter of me, them, the German influence idiots and the idea that the Chinese doing their economic activities was a problem and I ought to be prepared when their stupidities called me out to fight for them. And it goes all the way back to the sort of nonsense that we used to see at school, except at the time teachers were the people bearing it for everybody, especially the stupid German influence that will prepare corruption and sexual favours to putting in the actual work. We are now in the state whereby they have pursued that abusive view of my Intellectual property administration and product aesthetics personality with gimmicks about ways I am a man into whose orifices their criminal feminist twats would like to insert things and of course the fact that alongside their fellow American fools, I am Royalty and there was no other way to view my existence except the treasure hunting gimmicks, to such an extent they had successfully made me a character people bullied to get rich and this has been the beginning of their problems in a physical way. The women have continued to show up here at the behest of the gimmicks that a bunch of Italian idiots who married into the Royal family performed, as per the ways that they were too much for me to handle and really loved to abuse my privacy and had married my wife at the Monarchy, hence we have done their sex work politics gimmicks all the way to the US security services corruption gimmicks and an issue with communists gimmicks as well, so I suppose they are now certain that they will never get the Mafia here unless it was something they wanted badly enough, in the mean time which I will for the insolent physical contact annoy them to spend the money extracted from my career on those they had designated to attack me and thereby distribute the wealth, when mad enough push the part where I am sore all over from distant violence into something touchy and tell me tales about the importance of their famous fools doing it.

The stupid media narcissism publicity may continue, as long as people were comfortable with the painful way that I complained about it, especially concerning the idea that anything I did not want done with my person and career had been done and their stupidities were the better for it, looking for more.

The other point raised besides what I did to keep famous idiots off my writing career, Office, distribution systems, income and publicity, their rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shopkeeper idiots off my personal life, is that security services had access to my electronic equipment. Truth being of course that they have always done so, but since their idiots got involved in what was originally a simple matter of either being a person of interest to them or a person of relevance to them, into something of permission being given to boiler room twats, underworld gits and dark web criminals to access my email and play with my social media to such an extent the Bookshop had stalled due to the media presence narcissism that they were getting for doing so. The claim made by their top people i.e. the yanks in the American security system, is that they were helping me with these problems, whilst the outcome was as stupidly as possible the idea they were making me get into a fight whilst trashing my finances, lip flapping all over the world with celebrity culture and social media I had set out to settle the fact that criminals and trolls liked to mess with others because they thought their interests were located in the real world whilst other peoples interests were virtual, the only thing that worked against their gimmicks which is now in pieces, hence their stupidities had really helped. Here it is suggested we had enough to control these matters but always looked wanting, this was largely due to the political corruption, apart from the fact they have been encouraging communists to gain access to my electronic equipment as well and even when the communists were complaining about such access leading them to infectious information in the possession of a western public security operative, the idiots were all over the international community still, running off the practical jokes built up from the stupidities and involvement corruption that stifled my finances until I agreed to get into a fight, lip flapping nonsense about ways I was working with communists against the west that helped them get a slice of defence spending and other gimmicks that the pentagon and white house wanted to indulge them with money on over the matter. Generally, however, it is the corruption of the Politicians of which I must say that most of the time, it really turned out the issue was a matter of how they related with the wealth politics equity I had developed, however the corrupt twats did have their own impact naturally, with their male society government office idiots and corrupt royal gits goading me into work that I am already doing at the Office for it to ensure I lost control of my Assets and Property equity since the gimmicks were about money making market pressure.

I am told that the society gits had gotten accustomed to ripping up my career and then developing publicity to spend what is left on themselves, as soon as they discovered that I was in leadership position correct and they were wrong but I am only at this point concerned that I cannot make use of my own work history which was being borrowed by a bunch of idiots that a King who fought his Monarch mother all his life had facilitated to create male Monarchic leadership, playing up stories and lies about some security services daring do that they had performed - at this stage I think that every git had complained about the matter to my hearts content and the famous were still in the process of showing me, if politicians did it for being powerful, what authority that stupidities had to continue doing it, if complaining that history literally suggests they were famous idiots and I am one of their most important worshipers, the rest of it is just to do with the insults and abuses they claim helped them make money and my next response to their stupidities will likely be the last thing that I ever did on the matter (apparently if they were not doing this, pursuing me everywhere I went, running me down and persecuting me like so, I was in league with racists and responsible for the Police brutality that they suffered).

We were then told that this was the part where I got told that getting into a fight with communists will solve all problems, like a bunch of idiots who really deserve a very good violent activity to be meted out upon them, especially the famous who seemed to have carried about the career destructive activities everyday the entire time on a self-appointed authority. So unless they were now going to start telling me that they were running their jobs on a schedule and that they expected the schedule to be respected by those who communicated with others through greed and insults, I believe the statement that their abuses did show they were a bunch of famous idiots who assumed I was another of their big fans, was good enough in the matter, especially in context of my next response to this rubbish likely being satisfactorily the last thing that I will do about it. I see that the abuse male society behind their gimmicks had also set out way to suggest this nonsense, the abuse of my writing career and the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeping gimmicks that were developed to target me were all entirely my fault – progressing onto the part where the King had aided them to a position where they could fight communists on my behalf, claiming I had failed to do my duties, I made promises to fulfil dreams for the male population and for these things I should be pushed and poked until I kept my part of a bargain that they made up – to which effect it was convenient to execute a cluster of activities which with their civil disobedience will ensure that I was antagonised by criminals and hoodlums every time I stepped outside of my door, lip flapping about the astrological sign of the Russian President being the same as mine long before other excuses to get rich fast were made up. The revenge for what I do to ensure they allowed me concentrate on my own concerns was limitless, but the stupidities were still on, blamed on women as well, what seemed to be a dream of getting rid of those whom they claim protected me from them, as part of a gimmick that will ensure they did not get what came to them as well. As a whole it would seem that the system was now being used to make them comfortable instead of control them whilst claiming I was the character with the ability to do something about it, likely to continue when it was still difficult to make sense of the extent of this stupidity provided it was being played out at my expense, despite the fact it had nothing at all to do with me all together, including the part where they were drafted in to fight Russians on my behalf. On the idea that British government lets me get out of hand, we know it is another example of their stupid gimmicks securing an explanation that they believed would make sense to others, when it is a 2 decade career mess for me over the pleasures of filthy narcissism about which especially with respect to the famous, I am simple supposed to make assumptions on what they were doing with a publicity built up from abuses being channelled at me and fill the assumptions with accusations and Media trial until we got to the truth, always best to end up where the stupid divide and conquer gimmicks in a world where their greed was limitless, was eventually put to a result in which they were stripped of fame mystery, so they got to face those whose lives they ruin for pleasure – I mean it happened originally because they were incredibly important with ideas on how my existence should be deployed but with respect to my finances it happened because I failed to cover their backsides with my career whilst my Books and history at the private security services industry, including the warehouse and factory history which was very popular with their radio wave lesbians, showed that I possessed the resources for it. Since they had gone on to lay hands on me, all be it from a distance, which is what this is all about, I think we need to see what ending such activities could create for those who indulged it and the security service staff that were loyal to their famous gimmicks were aware of the sex work politics that came with it, which is not my responsibility like we have found out that it is not. It is a matter of Politicians laying off my career publicity and finances, my Bookshop distribution, marketing, storage, patents and network being free of the famous idiots, the famous idiots who clearly believed that their career was the same as the culture of the land, save the times when they wanted to show that their stupidities may have built themselves a life they did not want anymore, fooling around at my expense whilst a bunch of poofs picked up my career publicity on being more men than I am, to do their own thing pursuing the operation of public investing funding.

I am not in half the bad shape that people think I am at all – for instance, the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shopkeeper gimmicks have created a condition in which anything over 38 had their bum out there on the streets, especially because they were always briefly stopping close to me to encourage public abuses and anything below 38 had their penis out there on the streets, it would have been simple enough for any person, if I said that my next act of response would be the last thing I did about their gimmicks but alongside their famous fools, they are obviously not normal people. Some of their Politicians have even suggested that the crisis was to do with making sense of the way I responded to these matters and how I responded – the insults were never the problem and the greed behind it was not either, the problem has always been the publicity associated with the so called sense that I could be relied upon not to respond to such activity and if I thought it was a problem, the bigger question was one of what their stupidities were doing with it, if they were complaining about racism – so the first time I responded to it, we know people died because all those abuses built up without an exit point, their employers are now the people who knew all about the daily unusual interest in my person, especially the dream of me being made into an enemy of the USA, as part of a plan to get rich fast, my next response I am determined will be such that their parents will be the next people who got a feedback for it. At this point, I have not even picked up the way public policy applied to them and set about inventing ways that people can abuse their privacy and body parts with it yet, considering it was another of their big ideas around here causing academic and professional failure whilst they complained and kept it going still.

It is nothing to do with the sense they were more powerful either, simply needs to stay away from my Bookshop and my career publicity. The personal decisions were crass, the social lives were rubbish, they loved to put themselves in charge of matters they knew nothing about and torture those who knew what to do with those matters, complaining about problems and the whole time it was just as simple to understand that the victims did not like them fooling around so close but the problem was that they are famous and had big egos. I am then told that if this be the case, I am in huge difficulty but I am really not: on one hand is my career and I should never have ended up paying too much attention to them such that it has suffered the way that it has, on the other is their stupid doxy society and if it does not cease to make itself such a massive responsibility for me on schedule, I will gut my pensions from their famous lives and careers as well, it leaves me wondering every time, whether they really believed there were consequences that I might face in anyway, for saying that I broke the stupid doxy society and everything associated with it, in order to concentrate on my career – it reads those astrological signs all the time but is always ever only interested in the convenient side of it, saving its energy and thinking capacity for manipulation and especially on the conflict on interests associated with those stupid statements about my age with respect to the privileges of younger people, I think there is enough of an incentive for this nonsense to end badly. As mentioned, the last time I shut down the publicity that was built to facilitate the narcissism money gimmicks from these abuses, people got killed and they claimed I was working with racists, responsible for police brutality and criminals were better human beings as long as criminals were paid to avoid crime. The sense that I had no idea what I am doing was utter nonsense as a whole too, what is true is that insults and greed was the way these famous idiots talked to people; after which it comes up with a community and a real world plan to first achieve a process where my Bookshop is gone with the wind, finished off with ideas that all problems will be solved if I did as they wanted and got into a fight with communists, backed by its criminal and terrorists with a country that existed only in their stupid minds. It continues to show up here ripping and tearing to make money from USA defence budget and international affairs, claiming I am working with communists, so I suppose that since the employers were well informed at this stage, my next response should be one that led to their parents getting a feedback.

On the point that I am a character that somebody needed to teach a lesson, this is just the part were a two decade career mess was getting a response to the effect that having built me publicity that I can be relied upon for their narcissistic abuses as per I am the coward that can be, I am now protecting the career and they needed to fool around somewhere else, I am certain they have consequences are laid out for an instance where I considered the stupid well off neighbourhoods to be a threat to my safety and well being like we see them lip flap on media as if they had it lots. Some people have raised the idea that I might take control of the matter but I always had control, it is only this business of those insults having first wrecked my academic pursuits and career, gone on to take advantage of the qualification deficit that they wanted to sell at popular culture and progressed to a sense that my personality made me a weak character who was so weak that it irritated them and their women wanted to put things in my orifices, doing more damage and so the two aspects of the making money from publicity built up to facilitate whatever it is they were gaining from this nonsense and the idea that their version of what they were doing with me had finally made sense to the public at large, that has caused me to respond to this nonsense, not just hang around feeling sick to my stomach without the permission to smell nice and the stupid threats that I will one day get attacked for smelling so badly. These are all matters associated with my personal life, linked to my social activities and such that it were to be said that it was a guiding point by which on ending up in a relationship with somebody, I got married to the person due to the fact that I did not have a single complaint to make with respect to these social issues and the way that the persons involvement with my life related with it – these gits have extracted it since they spoke to people by means of greed and insults and built a public crisis from it, to show up here running me down on Media, bearing in mind the radio wave lesbian abuses have always been a thing and then complaining as part of a conviction that it was all my fault. On the ground I suppose they would like to be this character their stupidities had created, who was a bad child in the neighbourhood and keeps getting away with annoying people, up to the stage where he will one day be taught a lesson but their lesson they needed to learn was one in which whether or not I looked the part of a person that was so weak that they were irritated, their stupidities should not be doing it, I suppose. On the point that I am a little twerp who thinks that holding a position of power was a fun game, we all know that they were meant to do such things and we know that the business of working such ideas at my expense was meant to last for ever, more so as we can see their true nature in the sense they were having revenge because I stood up for myself and my career but the business of distracting others from whole lifestyle choices and careers at any given time continues still on the back of their revenge, it was still on. So the business of fighting enemies on my behalf to keep up this nonsense was meant to last forever, save the fair minded political office gits intervened to give them a break and will one day say that it was the right thing for me to do, except on this day they were being corrupt. It will otherwise show up like that to run me down endlessly, so that the hoodlums got involved with my career and social life, then the criminals and eventually the racists and at such a stage since the racists had a view that some peoples actions on social standing and career will never be good enough, it will adopt a disposition that will suggest it was a cursed character from the onset and show up here fighting for my civil rights.

They do say that they wanted to get right to the heart of the problem but there is none, just a mess they made of a career publicity, which at the time of University attendance was similar to that of some female journalists who decided to assist me with the issue of finding myself down a rabbit hole to end up at the backyards of industry, trying to prevent people ripping up my career, whilst I assisted them on the society abuses issues. Needs to cease trying to order my steps ripping up everything in this place and shredding Royal Office to feed the desires of trendy idiots with money to rent homes. What we have here are a bunch of busy bodies who cannot stop handling others making a mess of the career publicity and Royal Industrial activities and have not yet figured out what it was exactly what their stupidities were doing but I am certain what they do know well is how to get on the nerves and push people to commit crimes, which is about to lead up to a clash with their famous idiots too.

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